‘Darkfall’ Editions and Publicity Flyer
USA paperback publication by Dorchester/Leisure Books
“Makes the reader distinctly uneasy about touching any walls or doors when the thunder rumbles.”
UK paperback re-release published by New English Library, cover by Jon Blake
“A slam-bang paranormal thriller, Laws is one of the most inventive writers on the scene”
First hardback publication in the United Kingdom by New English Library
“Truly barnstorming supernatural horror from a writer of tremendous pace and energy. A veritable roller-coaster ride.”
(Writing in DARK ASYLUM magazine) Stephen Laws, the real thing. For me he's the classic horror writer. His work operates as a salutary reminder to the rest of us, rooted as it is in the traditions of the genre: back to basics in the truest sense, it draws its strengths from his deep knowledge of the forerunners who first broke this ground, while remaining totally contemporary and always surging forward. Neat trick if you can do it; and Laws is one of the few who can. - CHAZ BRENCHLEY
Publicity flyer produced by New English Library for the paperback publication of DARKFALL and announcing the forthcoming first hardcover edition of GIDEON.
Laws' work typifies a new generation of horror writing: (It) inhabits the world as we know it, and is all the scarier for it.
“Laws' flair for punchy, white-knuckle action set-pieces.”
French paperback cover, published by J'ai Lu. Artwork by d'Oliviero Berni (Schluck).
DARKFALL has all the style and graphic detail of any Stephen King book. This is a cracker of a book - up there with the best of them.
German paperback edition, published by Knaur. Artwork by Dewa Wawerka. Title translates as 'Bloodfest or 'Blood Feast'
A fear-packed festive roller-coaster of terror.
Polish edition, published by Przedsiebiorstwo
Given that all of the international editions, other than the German publication, depict the office block that features so prominently in the story, I thought it might be of interest to mention that in the good old tradition of 'write what you know about', I used the layout, interiors and exterior of an actual office block for the novel. I worked for Tyne and Wear County Council for seven years in Sandyford House at Archbold Terrace in Newcastle upon Tyne. I got to know the place very well, as you can imagine - and this is the 'location' for DARKFALL. In the year that the novel was published, I became a full-time writer.